The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.
The universe is made of stories, not atoms.
Muriel Ruckeyser
Muriel Ruckeyser
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Is jy 'n kamera- of 'n teleskoopmens?
Daar is min dinge in die lewe wat my soveel vreugde verskaf, as om fotos te kan neem. Daar is vele redes daarvoor, maar een van hulle is dat dit ‘n groot deel uitmaak van die skep van herinneringe en hoe ek die lewe beleef. Vir my voel dit asof ek die beste van die hede maak wanneer ek iets tasbaar daarvan saam met my die toekoms inneem.
Met die gevolg dat ek heelwat geld en tyd aan hierdie stokperdjie spandeer. Ek sal veel eerder vir my ‘n nuwe stukkie kameratoerusting aanskaf as ‘n ontwerpershandsak of ‘n paar skoene.
Nou tydens ons blaaskansie by Ngwenya is ek oudergewoonte weer met my kamera op die stoep, in die hoop om ‘n diertjie met my lens vas te trek.
Net langsaan ons huisie het ‘n oom dieselfde gedagte gehad, maar sy benadering was ietwat anders.
Hy het ook ‘n duur instrument gebruik om sy dierebelewenis uit te leef, maar weliswaar ‘n teleskoop wat hy as verkyker aanwend. Ek kon sommer sien: ‘n duur stukkie toerusting.
So hier staan ons twee toe: ek met my kamera en hy met sy teleskoop. Ons albei soek diere, maar elkeen van ons het sy eie doelwit.
So is ons almal maar: meeste van ons het dieselfde doelwitte. Ons wil almal suksesvol wees, graag ‘n gesin hĂȘ, gelukkig getroud wees, onthou word, iets beteken vir ons medemens.
Maar tog verskil ons belewenisse and lewensuitkyk.
Party van ons is fotomense. Ons geniet die hier en nou, maar is ook sentimenteel, lief daarvoor om ietsie oor te hou uit die verlede waaraan ons die volgende dag kan herkou. Ons neem prentjies uit ons verlede met ons saam, sodat ons kan terugkyk en onthou.
Ander weer is teleskoopmense. Ons soek voortdurend na nuwe ervaringe. Ons sal ekstra tyd, geld en energie spandeer om die perfekte oomblik te skep en te beleef. Maar wanneer ons daardie perfekte oomblik in focus gehad het, beleef het beweeg ons aan. Sonder om terug te kyk, soek ons na die volgende nuwe ervaring.
Is daar ‘n reg of ‘n verkeerd? Nee. Elke uitkyk het beslis sy voor- en nadele.
Kameramense geniet selfs die kleinste, eenvoudigste oomblik en gebaar. Hulle is ingestel op detail en meestal ook ander se gevoelens en die ge volge van hulle aksies. Ongelukkig raak die kiekieversamelaars, soms te nostalgies en kan hulle selfs in die verlede bly leef.
Die teleskoopkykers weer is altyd opsoek na nuwe avontuur. Hulle murmureer selde, is vol ambisie en dryfkrag, pret om saam mee te wees. Maar hulle raak gou verveeld en is altyd opsoek na plekke en mense wat hulle dikwels nie kan vind nie.
Wie jy ookal is, die belangrikste is om elke dag met ope arms te begroet en die beste van elke oomblik te maak. Dit maak nie saak of jy fotos neem of die lewe deur die lense van hier-en-nou beskou nie, maak die beste daarvan.
Wees wie jy moet wees.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
David Cooperrider describes the following as three universal needs of all people:
• Have a voice and be heard;
• Be viewed as essential to a group; and
• Be seen as unique and exceptional.
I would like to put all three into one condensed statement: to be treated with dignity and respect.
People who are valued, who are listened to, complemented on their performance become loyal to those from whom they receive respect. They are energised to perform better, work harder, all in order to be the person that the others believe they are.
We are destined to become the person who others believe we can be.
Not to say that it is not possible to rise against all odds, to rise above criticism and adversity. Yes, there are those people who are doing that, but they are few. They are the ones who can write a book about their lives afterwards and live off the profit. Unfortunately I am not one of those. God has been very generous to me. He has blessed me with wonderful supporting people, or rather mentors, along my life path who have blessed me with their insight and invaluable contributions.
All I can say – this has left me in debt, in debt with so many people. I realise that the only way I will ever be able to pay off that debt is through the investment in the lives of other people.
Because I was treated with dignity, because I was heard, valued and praised as being exceptional and unique, I have the insight into the power that this can have on the lives of others.
You can never fight to gain respect, you gain respect through being patient, stepping back sometimes, listening, without judging.
You might say – but nobody has ever treated me with dignity or respect, why should I go to lengths to do the same to others?
Because even if nobody has ever listened to you, valued you, Jesus did all of that for you. Jesus valued you enough to; while you were still a sinner, lay down his life for you. He did not ask if you deserved it, He did not ask if you will return the favour. He just did it (without any Nike sponsorship). Everything, so that you will never, ever have a reason not to feel valued.
• Have a voice and be heard;
• Be viewed as essential to a group; and
• Be seen as unique and exceptional.
I would like to put all three into one condensed statement: to be treated with dignity and respect.
People who are valued, who are listened to, complemented on their performance become loyal to those from whom they receive respect. They are energised to perform better, work harder, all in order to be the person that the others believe they are.
We are destined to become the person who others believe we can be.
Not to say that it is not possible to rise against all odds, to rise above criticism and adversity. Yes, there are those people who are doing that, but they are few. They are the ones who can write a book about their lives afterwards and live off the profit. Unfortunately I am not one of those. God has been very generous to me. He has blessed me with wonderful supporting people, or rather mentors, along my life path who have blessed me with their insight and invaluable contributions.
All I can say – this has left me in debt, in debt with so many people. I realise that the only way I will ever be able to pay off that debt is through the investment in the lives of other people.
Because I was treated with dignity, because I was heard, valued and praised as being exceptional and unique, I have the insight into the power that this can have on the lives of others.
You can never fight to gain respect, you gain respect through being patient, stepping back sometimes, listening, without judging.
You might say – but nobody has ever treated me with dignity or respect, why should I go to lengths to do the same to others?
Because even if nobody has ever listened to you, valued you, Jesus did all of that for you. Jesus valued you enough to; while you were still a sinner, lay down his life for you. He did not ask if you deserved it, He did not ask if you will return the favour. He just did it (without any Nike sponsorship). Everything, so that you will never, ever have a reason not to feel valued.
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