The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.

The universe is made of stories, not atoms.
Muriel Ruckeyser

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Book list

A few people have asked me to please put the list of some of my favourite books onto my blog, so finally here it is.
I will update it as we go along.

Albom, Mitch - Tuesdays with Morrie (Non-fiction)

Amirrezvani, A - The blood of flowers (Fiction)

Archer, Jeffrey - A quiver full of arrows (Fiction)

Archer, Jeffrey - Kain and Abel (Fiction)

Archer, Jeffrey - Prodigal daughter (Fiction)

Archer, Jeffrey - Twelve red herrings (Fiction)

Archer, Jeffrey - To cut a long story short (Fiction)

Arhcer, Jeffrey - A twist in the tale (Fiction)

Armstrong, Lance - It's not about the bike (Biography)

Austen, Jane - Pride and prejudice (Fiction)

Barber, Hilton -  Postcards from the ledge (Travel)

Branson, Richard - Loosing my virginity (Biography)

Bronte, Emily - Wuthering heights (Fiction)

Brown, Christie - My left foot (Biography)

Brown, Dan - Angels and Demons (Fiction)

Brown, Dan - The Da Vinci Code (Fiction)

Brown, Dan - Deception point (Fiction)

Bryson, Bill - Down under (Travel)

Buckingham, Marcus - The one thing you need to know… (Psychology)

Canfield, J - Chicken soup for the soul 2 (Psychology)

Carroll, Lewis - Alice in Wonderland (Fiction)

Coelho, Paulo - The alchemist (Fiction)

Colbert, Don - Deadly emotions (Psychology)

Cook, Robert - Brain (Fiction)

Cornwell, Patricia - Potrait of a killer Historiese (Fiction)

Covey, Stephen - 7 Habits of highly effective people (Psychology)

Dahl, Roald - Over to you (Fiction)

Dahl, Roald - Roald Dahl Omnibus (Fiction)

Davies, Martin - The conjurer's bird (Fiction)

De Villiers, IL - Te vroeg vir moedverloor (Psychology)

De Villiers, IL- Klein geskenk van geloof (Psychology)

De Villiers, IL -  Die geluk van onsin (Psychology)

De Villiers, IL- Die koningin se voetkombersie (Psychology)

Dicey, William -  Borderline (Non-fiction)

Eldrige John - Captivating (Christian)

Eldridge, John -  Desire (Christian)

Exupery, Antoine De Saint - The little prince (Fiction)

Fosnes, Erik - Psalm at journey's end (Fiction)

Frank, Catherine - A chainles soul - Emily Bronte (Biography)

Frankl, Victor - Man's search for meaning (Psychology)

Frey, James - A million little pieces (Biography)

Fynn - Mister God, this is Anna (Fiction)

George, Margaret - Memoirs of Cleopatra (Historical Fiction)

Gibran, Kahlil - The prophet (Psychology)

Gladwell, Malcolm - Blink (Psychology)

Gladwell, Malcolm - The tipping point (Psychology)

Gladwell, Malcolm - Outliers (Psychology)

Gladwell, Malcolm - What the dog saw (Psychology)

Grogan, John - Marley and me (Non-fiction)

Haddon, Mark - The curious incident of the dog in the night time (Fiction)

Harris, Joanne - Holy Fools (Fiction)

Helfgott, Gillian -  Love you to bits and pieces (Biography)

Horwood, William - Toad triumphant (Fiction)

Horwood, William - Callanah (Fiction)

Hudson, JF - Die koning se vertroueling (Fiction)

Hunt, John- The art of the idea (Psychology)

Irving, Washington - Tales from the Alhambra (Historical) 

Jackson, Marni - Pain (Psychology)

Janson, Murray - Opsoek na die ware Jesus (Christian)

Johnson, Barbara - I'm so glad you told me (Psychology)

Johnson, Barbara - Stick a geranium in you hat and be happy (Psychology)

Kingsolver, Barbara - The poisonwood Bible (Fiction)

Le Roux, A - Juweeltjies vir 'n vriending (Pscychology)

Lee, Harper - To kill a mocking bird (Fiction)

Lewis, CS - The screwtape letters (Christian)

Lewis, CS - Chronicles of Narnia (Fiction)

Lindqurst, Ulla-Carin - Rowing without oars (Non-fiction)

Lovell, Moira - Departures (Fiction)

Luard, Nicholas - The last wilderness (Fiction)

Maartens, Maretha - Ruitevrou (Fiction)

Martin, Henno - Sheltering desert (Non-fiction)

Masood, Steven - Into the light (Fiction)

Matthee, Daleen - Moerbeibos (Fiction)

Matthee, Daleen - Brug van die esels (Fiction)

McCann, Richard - Just a boy (Non-fiction)

McCourt, Frank - Angela's Ashes (Historical Fiction)

McCourt, Frank - Tis (Historical Fiction)

Mittner, Esme - Tussen die vloer en die politoer (Psychology)

Nel, Henrietta - Stories met stekies (Psychology)

Peale, Norman Vincent - The power of positive thinking (Christian)

Peck, Scott  M- In search of stones (Psychology)

Peck, Scott M - The road less traveled (Psychology)

Roberts, Gregory David - Shantaram (Non-fiction)

Rushdie, S - The enchantress of Florence (Fiction)

Sasson, Jean - Mayada (Fiction)

Sasson, Jean - Princess (Fiction)

Shakespeare, William - Twelth Night (Fiction)

Sherill, Elizabeth - All the way to heaven (Christian)

Siegel, Bernie - Love, medicine and miracles (Medical psychology)

Soueit, Ahdaf - A map of love (Fiction)

Steyn, Esta - Die grafte jubel (Fiction)

Suraowecki, J - The wisdom of crowds (Psychology)

Thum, Marianne - I have life (Non-fiction)

Tolken, JRR - Lord of the Rings (Fiction)

Tolken, JRR - The Hobbit (Fiction)

Van der Merwe, Arien - Stres strategie (Medical)

Van Deventer, H - n Vriend vir altyd (honderde hondestories) (Fiction)

Van Schalkwyk, Johan - Salomo (Christian)

Wilkinson, DM - The prayer of Jabez, for women (Christian)

Wurmbrand, Richard - Ondergronds vir God (Christian)

Yen - Falling leaves (Fiction)

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