The word impact is a strong word. Just through its pronunciation, without knowing the meaning, you can hear the force behind it. It is also one of those words that can have both a positive or negative meaning. Impact is negative when the consequence of it is destruction. The impact of a car accident can kill those involved. Harsh words, hate, divorce, envy, revenge all those also has an impact which has the potential to kill the love and respect which exists between those we love.
But impact can also be positive. We all work around with the loving dents of discipline and mentorship in our lives. Every day I thank God for every person who had a lasting impact in my life. There are so many – parents, friends, teachers, colleagues… I know that God has lovingly used certain people at specific time points in my life to also leave His impact on my life. That to me is the true meaning of being an instrument in God’s hand: to allow Him to use you to make a lasting impact in the lives of those you come in contact with.
Impact can be big or small, it all depends on the force behind it. The biggest force that will ensure an impact of significance is the force of love. All impact made in the lives of others through love, will always bring enduring positive change.
Three months ago, God blessed us with the gift of new life. He chose me a my husband to be parents, the biggest responsibility I have ever accepted. A responsibility which has had the most profound impact in my life so far, but at the same time a responsibility through which I will have and everlasting impact on someone’s life. It is overwhelming!
As time goes on and I become more accustomed to my new role as parent I realised that all of us, who are bearers of impact has only one choice: to stay on our knees and pray. Only through praying and seeking the will of God will we be able to exert a positive impact in the lives of others.
Today I can thank God for every person whom have had an everlasting impact in my life and also ask that I will also be such a person to someone.
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