The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.

The universe is made of stories, not atoms.
Muriel Ruckeyser

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Willow

I have always prayed to God the courage. Courage to be true to His Word, stand up for what is right and most of all to tell the world about His love and salvation.

I have not always been that successful. I know that there has been many opportunities that have slipped through my fingers. The reason? Maybe it is rather a multitude of reasons, but mainly I it is simply because I have been either to afraid to stand-up or I have been so fixed and pre-occupied with my own ideas that I have not seen and used the moment.

That is why it was so powerful when our pastor asked God for two things, to attributes in our lives, that will enable us to spread the gospel: boldness and creativity.

They are almost two contrasting concepts. Boldness on the one hand refers the being strong, unafraid. You almost get the picture of someone who is rigid, nothing able to stir or disturb that person.

Creativity on the other hand, has a flexibility to it. You have to look and see people through different eyes, the eyes of Jesus. You have to throw away your own pre-conceived ideas and almost expose yourself to the possibility that you will have to change your attitude and approach to someone

“Dear God,” I prayed. “ How can I be both bold and creative at the same time?”

The answer came in the form of a picture, that appeared instantly in my mind.

A willow tree.

The willow tree has both these characteristics. It is a bold tree. Strong – I remember the thick stem and roots of the willow trees on my grandparents’ farm. Just like the tree in Psalm 1 they are usually planted by a stream, drawing their strength from the waters flowing nearby.

But it is also a flexible tree. The long branches are supple, changing their shape as the wind blows its secrets into the willow’s ear.

I want to be as bold as the willow tree. To achieve that we have to find our strength daily from the only Source of Living Water, described in John 4:14 –

but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

Our strength lies in our source. It does not matter how small and insignificant I may feel. Through the power of God I can be bold.

Being creative on the other hand, means that I have to be sensitive. Like the branches of the willow tree listen and give way to the wind that blows through them, so we must be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. He will guide us to see every person and every situation as unique and to be sensitive to the needs of others.

May we all grow to be bold and creative.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Riana I think this is a beautiful message. So simple yet effective. Thank you for your wonderful words. xxx Candice xxx