The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.

The universe is made of stories, not atoms.
Muriel Ruckeyser

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Every artist who mixes his own paint knows the power of black. Only a few drops of black paint has the power to transform a bright red rose into leaves of oxen blood, bring gloom into a sunny day or put an ominous look into a shiny eye.

Black absorbs all other colours into its realm, never satisfied with that which it digests. Always craving for more, unwilling to give, but always taking.
I look at my life - the balancing of colours with every stroke of breath I take each day. And I realise it is so tempting to give yourself over into the blinding light of black. Each negative thought in our lives, each and every time we block positive attitudes we add a drop of black to our pallette. With each and every drop the colours fade - until in the end we are left with a distorted darkened picture of who we are.

All around us we come in contact with people for whom everything has turned into a monochromic picture. They are easy to spot - covered in pessimism they are left hopeless, don't look forward to anything, they fail to remember the pleasures and grace that belongs to the past.

Every day we have to make a cognitive choice to cast away black and choose colour. Of course we all need black in our life's painting, but we must make a wise and responsible choice to use it to our mental advantage - not our detriment. The best way to discard black is through thankfulness for the things you have now and that which you had in the past. You don't need anything to be thankful, for those with a thankful spirit always have enough.

Secondly you need something to look forward to. It needn't cost money. The only recommendation is that it must be special to you. Place things that interest you - a hobby, time with friends, time alone, on top of your to do list. It will keep you going, refreshing your spirit.

Thirdly make time to work through your attitudes and thoughts. Digesting negative thoughts, retaining the gems of precious memories. Everyone needs time alone to find and equilibrium of colours to put on your brush.

Life is only lived by those who realise the power of their thoughts. Your thougts have the power to ruin you, but on the other hand also the power to ensure victory over any circumstance.

Therfor think before every stroke, mix the colours of your thoughts with care, always honest to yourself on what you see - for only through honesty will you be able to alter the picture.

Seek happiness - it will not seek you. You have a choice - embrace the truth and make careful choices. Use every colour, don't be shy to paint yourself the way you are.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Making a difference

I've always wanted to make a difference. Improve things, be like a fresh breeze in a damp and stuffy room. But I realized: the more I try to focuss on doing things differently, the further I am from getting there.

So, how does one start in making a difference:
  • First you need pure intentions. You can't bring positive change in the lives of others if your aim is selfgain and glory. The integrity road is steep and because so few make use of it, the maps are sometimes unavailable. But only by travelling on this road will you have an impact on others.
  • Only by knowing what needs to be changed can we start making a difference. A change might be as good as a holiday to some, but in general people are resistant to change. It's easier, less strain on our minds to keep things the way they were before. So, once you know waht you want to change, start gradually, while considering the feelings of others.
  • To make a difference we need to be time conscious. The best time to make a difference is now. One finds that some people will make a difference in the lives of others wherever they go. It is simply a lifelong attitude, a way of acting, thinking, living.
  • To make a big difference you have to start small. The starting point is far from the finish line, so be patient. Once you know what you want to change, do your planning first, discuss with others and God, set definite goals and don't be discouraged if you donn't see immediate results. Those who made a life changing difference started off with only a positive attitude, a smile and small pieces of input. Fortunately a positive attitude rubs off, it snowballs until the endresult is above all expectation.
  • Always remember that you can't make a difference unless you are prepared to change yourself in the process. We can't change things around us with rigid attitudes. We have to stay truthful and flexible.

Those who made a difference before us did it with a positive attitude, through creative thinking, while having faith in what they were doing.

It takes a lot more effort to make a difference in lives of others than to just be around and to do what is expected of you. But if all the people around us only does their duties we will live bluntly, without a vision. Our lives will be selfish and empty.

It is through the energy generated from the impact we have on others that we generate inspiration and creativity for tomorrow.

Make that change - doesn't matter how small. Your efforts will be rewarded.