The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.

The universe is made of stories, not atoms.
Muriel Ruckeyser

Friday, December 21, 2012


Every now and then we need to stop and stare. Stare back at the path which leaded us up to the point where we are now. Contemplate on the road ahead – plan and pray, with the feeling of expectation filling our hearts.

The end of the year is such a time for all of us. The world around us forces us to go slower, relax and for a moment get the long needed perspective which has been evading us during the year.

2012 was a wonderful year. I have experienced more during this year than ever before in my life. Most of it is mainly because I have had the privilege to become a mother, but it is only part of it. It was also a tough year. There were goals that we could not meet, we worked hard and lost some battles, up to the point where we all felt we needed a break desperately.

There are no guarantees that 2013 will be easier. I cannot remind myself ever hearing people say – this was a wonderful year, much better than the year before that. It seems that time will always fly faster and faster, finances become less and less and we grow older and older.

But despite that I am thankful. Never during this year, both during the highlights and the downsides, have I ever felt that God was not with me through it all. He has been so generous and maybe it is because of hardship that we get even closer to Him.

After another year, where patterns in the world just repeated themselves all over again, I just want to take this with me into the New Year. Not the hope that 2013 will be better or easier, but just the peace in knowing that no matter, what God is with me all the way.