The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.

The universe is made of stories, not atoms.
Muriel Ruckeyser

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I am who I am

“I am who I am”

(God – Exodus 3:14)
These are bold words. Most likely the boldest every spoken in history.

I remember as a child the wide array of feelings I experienced when the pastor would read this part of Exodus during a sermon.
I was filled with awe. The statement is final, no room for debate. I proclamation God makes about Himself. Coming from the Creator of the Universe, the God who knows what was, is and is to come it must be a flawless, perfect statement. A statement like no other and a proclamation that no human being would be able to make.
But I was also perplexed, because I did not completely understand what God meant by it.

Sometimes I could not really understand how the statement could be applicable to me and my spiritual growth.
But God is truly amazing – especially when He makes statements about Himself.
Saying to the beings you created that You are who You are makes it clear that there is no room for change in the character of the proclaimer.

God will not change. He is the same, today tomorrow and forever. The statement transcends time and space. No matter what I make of God in my life – if I down play His importance, if I deny Him, worship Him, forget Him, He will and cannot change. His existence, His grace and His feelings about me is not dependant on my perception of Him.
But it also means that I cannot manipulate God. I cannot change His character to fit into the picture perfect God I have created for myself
The statement is also an invite from God. Saying I am who I am, does not reveal who you are. No, it rather invites you to find out what it means to say something like that about yourself.

God wants us to embrace the opportunity to engage in a relationship with Him. He wants to reveal Himself to us, in so many different ways. He wants to be known.
Isn’t it mind blowing that God chooses this bold, but yet inviting phrase to reveal Himself through the ages to us. Embrace the opportunity to know God fully.

You won’t regret it.

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