The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.

The universe is made of stories, not atoms.
Muriel Ruckeyser

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Definition: To put in mind. Something that reminds someone of something

Nobody can deny that our lives are busy. We run along our busy schedules, hoping that we will be able to keep the wheels of the cart from falling off sometimes.

In the process of running such a busy schedule, we have to constantly remind ourselves of what needs to happen next. The current moment with all its obligations and challenges takes up all our energy and attention.

I live by my diary – I am still very fond of paper. Maybe I feel that it is more tangible, more patient and like me prefers a slower pace. I know that everything that goes into my diary will get done, because there is a new page for every day. That is how I remember meetings, birthdays, to do lists.

A diary for me is an investment; I carry this companion with me for a whole year. My diary becomes a constant reminder that I have to be somewhere, do something, and be of value and worth to those around me. You want to mess with me, and then mess with my diary.

Every day I need these small reminders, a scribble on a piece of paper, the alarm clock ringing through my ears. All of them are gentle (others not so gentle) tangible elements to put something into my mind.

We need tangible things to remind us of what is important in our lives. Not only what we need to do, or where we need to be, but also of what we believe in, where we have been and travelled. From this alone you can gather that I am very sentimental. I realised this last week when I bought the ugliest bracelet form Exclusive Books, in support of the war against rhino poaching. I am wearing my bracelet every day. Every time I look down at this hideous red and black bangle, I remember who I am. I remember that I am passionate about conservation, that I would like to see that animals are protected from human evil, that I would like to teach my children respect and love for nature, that I would like to be remembered as someone who lived with a very light carbon footprint. That defines me.

Take a moment to evaluate all the reminders in your life. What do they tell about you? Does every reminder form part of your passion in life, or are you only reminded every day about negative things, that maybe should have been forgotten long ago.

Take time, put positive reminders into your life, putting into your mind what is truly important for you and those around you.

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