The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.

The universe is made of stories, not atoms.
Muriel Ruckeyser

Monday, February 20, 2012

Peanut Butter

There are a few pleasures in life that endures the test of time, pleasures that are universal, across all cultures and ages. Peanut butter is one of them.

I first realised this while I was watching the movie Meet Joe Black. Joe, who represents death, has his first encounter with peanut butter. He loves it and throughout the movie he walks around with a spoon in his mouth filled with peanut butter. They wanted to make a statement in the movie: a living being discovers and explores a culinary pleasure. They had to choose a substance with which we all could identify, something that we all know and enjoy, despite being from a different culture and a different age. Peanut butter just made sense.

I remember as a child how I relished those peanut butter sandwiches. To this day I love the crunchy bits in-between. You have to put chunks of peanut butter on the bread – you can never have enough and then you need to balance it off with just enough golden syrup, not too much not too little. Everyone has their own perfect peanut butter sandwich, but it doesn’t matter how you enjoy it, we all have a universal perception of what a peanut butter sandwich is.

When I think of life, it is almost as if we should enjoy it like a child enjoys a peanut samie. Life’s enjoyment lies in cherishing the simple things in life. Through enjoying the things in life which are universal, ordinary things within the reach of everyone, we become more thankful. It makes us people who understand each other better, because once we can identify with the things others enjoy we can get closer to them, walk a little in their shoes.

We need to find more peanut butter sandwich moments which we can enjoy with those around us. Make time and effort – you and those around you are worth it.

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